As of 23 August 2024, the Drugs Misuse (Dangerous Drugs) Amendment Regulation 2024 (Qld) (the Amending Regulation) commenced. This regulation amends the Drugs Misuse Regulation 1987 (Qld) (the Regulation).
The most significant change is the classification of new drugs as ‘dangerous drugs’ under the Regulation.
Further Information:
The Drugs Misuse Act 1986 (Qld) (the Act) and the Regulation contain requirements and obligations relating to the supply, possession and disposal of dangerous drugs.
‘Dangerous drugs’ are defined in the Act and include a thing specified in the Regulation, Schedule 1 or 2, or any part of any specified plan or (in effect) any of the chemical derivative of a defined drug.
The Amending Regulation has prescribed the following new drugs as dangerous drugs in Schedule 2 of the Regulation: